Holocaust Memorial Scrolls from the Memorial Scrolls Trust
UJCBR has been entrusted with two Holocaust Memorial Czech Scrolls courtesy of the Memorial Scrolls Trust. Scroll #609 is currently in our Ark and scroll #1467 is currently on display in the foyer. UJCBR is lucky to be entrusted with two scrolls as one came from legacy congregation Beth Shalom and the other from legacy congregation B’nai Israel.
Scroll #1467, found on display in our foyer, was written in Kutna Hora, Czechoslovakia around 1925. This scroll is believed to be one of the last written before the Shoah. This scroll was originally entrusted to legacy congregation B’nai Israel in 1967. Additional historical records about the scroll and its journey to Baton Rouge can be found below.
Scroll #609 is one of 200 scrolls for which the Trust has no provenance. These are the “Orphan Scrolls” from unknown towns in Bohemia and Moravia. Scroll #609 came into the care of legacy congregation Beth Shalom and a certificate about the scroll # 609 can be found in our Hall of Remembrance.
Our congregation has been given a sacred responsibility in continuing to care for these scrolls and we hope that you take time to visit these remarkable scrolls.