The Unified Jewish Congregation of Baton Rouge is the home of the Jewish Community for Baton Rouge and the surrounding area. Our congregation was established in January, 2022 with the unification of Beth Shalom Synagogue and Congregation B’nai Israel. We are an inclusive Reform congregation seeking to inspire a passionate commitment to Jewish life, learning, community and spiritual growth.

The Calendar
Be part of our exciting Jewish life in Baton Rouge
Join us for Shabbat
6:00 PM – Erev Shabbat Services
9:30 AM – Torah Study
10:30 AM – Shabbat Morning Services
10:00 AM – Lay lead informal minyan
All services are now located at 3354 Kleinert Avenue. Check the calendar for all the dates and details.
We Care
Our community strives to lift up the next generation, celebrate your simchas, and support you in moments of sorrow.
Rayner Center
A multi-level day care and learning center for pre-k children.
Religious School
Leading students to a love and understanding of their Judaism.
We’re here for you, our members, in times of joy and pain.
Our Mission
Building a community of Jewish understanding, value, and compassion through Teshuva, Tefilah, and Tzedakah.
Read more about our mission. our vision, our values, and our leadership.